Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Almost Mother's Day

I just wanted to let you know that it's been almost a year; one year on Mother's Day. One year since I last saw Jane.

I went home last Mother's Day just to spend the day with her. Did you know that? Do you care? Does the upcoming Mother's Day mean anything at all to you?

Last year Mom and I went to see her friend, Donna. Donna had cancer and was in the Hospice Center, lunch and some bonding at the mall. Donna passed away that evening and I am so thankful Mom was able to see her, letting her know how much she loved her. Donna felt the same way.

I am praying you are progressing through recovery and learning to be a productive member of society. I don't pray you choose the life I have; I don't care about that. I only care that this time you change your life forever and then find a lifestyle for yourself that doesn't include the things, and people, of your past. This may be your last opportunity. There is no where, no one for you to fall back on, this has to be it. You have always been able to run home, and lean on Mom. You have to learn to stand for yourself, on your own feet, and lean only on God.

I love you.

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